Cyprus Company Formation

A Favourable Jurisdiction to Companies

Cyprus, a Member State of the European Union (EU), is a winning combination for Investors to register a Cyprus company and/or operate an international head quarter (HQ) in the island, as many multinational companies have already done.

Evaluation of Issues in the decision of Relocation of head quarter or part of the company or group functions.

Why Cyprus?


Cyprus company formation with minimal risk

F.C.I. LTD provides integrated services for setting up a company in other EU and non-EU jurisdictions. Comprehensive experience of over 45 years in the fields of corporate services, banking services, trust management, accounting and tax services.

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A Cyprus company can take the form of a private or public limited liability company by shares and company limited by guarantee, which are all incorporated pursuant to the Cyprus Companies Law.
The most common company is the form of a European public limited liability company (limited/ltd), more commonly known as Societas Europaea or SE, or a partnership or a Cyprus Branch of an overseas company.


The Cyprus Company Formation takes about 10-20 days from the date of acceptance of the Client by F.C.I. Ltd.

Overview of a Cyprus Company Formation Requirements:

Company Law Companies Law Cap. 113
Registration A company must be registered to the Registrar of Companies.
Capital requirements Minimum authorised and paid up capital is €1. If such companies have a fully – fledged office in Cyprus, minimum capital is €10.000.
Company Name Name approval is required by the Registrar of Companies.
Shareholders One minimum either physical or legal entity. No bearer share may be issued shares on behalf of the beneficial owner(s).
Beneficial Disclosure/ Nominees If confidentiality is required, a nominee/trustee company can hold the shares in trust for owner.
Directors Minimum one Director. Cyprus tax resident companies must appoint majority of local directors. Non-tax resident Cyprus Company can have overseas Directors.
Secretary Every company must have a Secretary and if the company is a tax resident in Cyprus, Secretary must be local. A director can also act as Secretary. For practical purposes, a corporate body may be appointed Secretary.
Registered office A company needs to have a registered office in Cyprus.
Fiscal office A Cyprus company may have fiscal office or shared office, as per company activities.
VAT Registration Companies registered in Cyprus and whose income derive exclusively from sources outside Cyprus, are in general exempt from VAT registration. Cypriot registered companies however which have trading activities within the EU, may be required or voluntarily register for VAT and/or VIES purposes.
Disclosure of information of Beneficial Owner(s) Cyprus activated the implementation of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) based on the 4th European Directive (EU 2015/849) as from16 March 2021. Access to the system is only available to competent authorities, upon request to the Registrar of Companies. Therefore, the UBO information to be entered into the intermediate system shall not be publicly available.

CYPRUS Company Statutory Obligations Read More..

CYPRUS Company Registration Procedure

To register a company in Cyprus is easy and straight forward Read More..

Cyprus, as a Member State of the European Union, has a long reputation as a “center of excellence” for international business activities and maintains a unique cluster of experience in various sectors of commerce and industry.

Company Formation & Integrated Company Management Services

Cyprus Company Formation by F.C.I. Ltd – a reliable Service provider with 40 years wealth of experience.

Our services include:

  • Selection of appropriate legal corporate form/structure.
  • Select the right jurisdiction(s).
  • Setting up a Cyprus Company.
  • Registration in other EU and no-EU jurisdictions. Read more..
  • On-site representation of the corporate entity.
  • Nominee facilities. Read more..
  • Corporate services.
  • Banking services.
  • Full Company Compliance Facilities and Services.
  • Accounting and Auditing services. Cyprus taxation services.
  • Reallocation services (corporate and individual).


Further Legal Entities of International Business

Cyprus Branch of an Overseas Company

A Branch of a foreign Company may be registered in Cyprus under section 347 of the Companies Law, Chapter 113.


Cyprus Partnership

A Partnership can be registered in Cyprus. Partnership is defined as the relationship between 2 to 20 physical or legal persons carrying out business in common with a view to make a profit.


For Cyprus Company Formation, EU Company, Register a Company including Cyprus Trust Formation, Corporate services, Cyprus Banking ServicesCyprus AccountingCyprus Payroll ServicesCyprus Shipping Company formation and Cyprus Tax, kindly forward your query to in**@fc*.cy.



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Become a CYPRUS TAX Resident

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The F.C.I. Ltd , with the know-how of  its staff and  the experience of over 40 years of operation, is able to offer its customers tax, financial and legal planning / structuring.

Our high quality services fully meet the needs of every businessman for the overseas operations through Cyprus and or elsewhere.